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Genetic variants of two-pore calcium channel 2 rs1551305 and its association with type 2 diabetes risk



The prevalence of diabetes is highest in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, with Egypt leading the region (11% for both sexes) and lowest in the European Region (7% for both sexes). Genome-wide association studies of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have identified a number of variants that are associated with β-cell function and insulin resistance. Two-pore calcium channel 2 (TPCN2) localizes to the lysosome and is a likely receptor for the calcium-mobilizing agent nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate. Several studies have indicated that nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate may play a role in the insulin signaling of β-cells.


of the study The aim of this study was to investigate the association between TPCN2 rs1551305 SNPs and the development of type 2 diabetes.

Patients and methods

A sample of 158 Egyptian participants was divided into two groups. Group one included 79 type 2 diabetic patients and group two included 79 healthy controls. TPCN2 rs1551305 SNPs were determined by the real-time PCR technique.


A significant increase in the frequency of G/G genotype in diabetic patients was found. A/A genotype was significantly more frequent in the control group (P=0.001). G allele was also significantly higher in diabetic patients (P=0.008). The G/G genotype showed a 21.37-fold increase in the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.


The previous findings suggest that TPCN2 rs1551305 SNP is associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes development.


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Essam, K. Genetic variants of two-pore calcium channel 2 rs1551305 and its association with type 2 diabetes risk. Egypt J Intern Med 31, 8–13 (2019).

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