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Table 1 Harvey Bradshaw score [8]

From: A decade of inflammatory bowel disease: a single center experience in Egypt


Input and score

1. Patient well-being (previous day)

0 = Very well

1 = Slightly below par

2= Poor

3 = Very poor

4 = Terrible

2. Abdominal pain (previous day)

0 = None

1 = Mild

2 = Moderate

3 = Severe

3. Number of liquid or soft stools (previous day)

An integer, from 1 to 25

4. Abdominal mass

0 = None

1 = Dubious

2 = Definite

3 = Definite and tender

5. Complications

No (0 points)

Yes (each selected complication below is counted with 1 point)



Erythema nodosum Aphthous ulcer pyoderma Gangrenosum anal fissures